Living On Easy Street

Living On Easy Street

I'm in a season of my life where I work in 3 month increments of time. I don't necessarily know how life looks on the other side of those blocks of time, and each time I approach that marker, I'm...

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Be Slow

Be Slow

You're finding me on my summer adventure in San Diego, California. I came back after two amazing visits in 2023, so needless to say this city has something special for me. Let's cut to the chase and...

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New Measures of Success

New Measures of Success

After years of working in higher education, I often think of May as an ending of sorts...wrapping up the academic year, seniors graduating, summer plans within sight. 6 years ago around this time, I...

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I'm not sure about you, but when I traveled consistently over several months, there were lots of expected (and unexpected) things that unfolded. Don't get me wrong, my 2023 was pretty epic. I...

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Seeking Home

Seeking Home

Easter Sunday began my time with new "roommates": my dear friend and her family had generously agreed to house me for an interim period. I don't know about you, but I don't know many adults (with...

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The In-Between

The In-Between

When I bought my condo in 2017, I did so knowing that it wouldn't be my forever home. It was undoubtedly a major upgrade for me (in the quality of neighborhood, expenses, and amenities), but I...

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